Applying for a job can be super nerve wracking, especially for students since we don’t have a lot of professional experience. In this post, I am sharing my best tips for how to make a resume that stands out, even if you don’t have any experience. Be sure to read to the very end of this post to download a FREE resume template! I’ve used this resume template to land a variety of job positions throughout college such as a sales associate, lab assistant, and tutor. I guarantee you that these resume tips and free resume template will be super helpful for any type of job that you are applying for!
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How to Make the Perfect Resume With No Experience:
What is a resume?
A resume is a document that is meant to emphasize all the skills and traits that make you amazing. It is often the first thing an employer will know about you, and for some jobs it is common for employers to read through dozens or even hundreds of resumes all for ONE position. Yeah, sounds brutal. That is why you need to make sure your resume stands out and is professional, while also adding your own unique charms that make you seem like a human being and not a boring robot. That is why I have created my very own resume template which contains the essential elements to help you stand out and land your dream job! The resume this template was based on has gotten me numerous interviews, I am confident that it will help you get an interview!
1) A typical resume should only be 1 page long.
If you find yourself going over this limit, it usually means that you are adding too much content. Your resume should only contain your BEST skills and experience, not necessarily ALL of them. Employers don’t have a lot of time to read your resume, so keeping it concise will ensure that they read only the valuable, relevant information.
Here’s an example of my resume. I will be breaking down each section in the following paragraphs!


Trust me. This free resume template will make you stand out from other applicants and help you land the job! Click the button below to download this resume along with all of my other free printables
2) The very top of your resume should contain your personal information…
such as your full name, phone number, and email. If you do not have a professional-sounding email (such as, it is very important that you make one! Being professional is key to proving to the employers that you are fit for the job. Most people usually include an email address containing their name and/or numbers. For example, the email address I use is
It is best practice to not include your address or any other personal information in your resume. I have seen numerous people include their full home address in this section, which often adds 2-3 unnecessary lines. Resumes must be concise and to-the-point, so adding excessive information about your contact information takes away precious space!

3) Right after your name and contact information, describe yourself in 1-2 sentences.
The first sentence should be about yourself (what grade you are in) and what types of opportunities you are looking for. The second sentence should be about your good qualities, and what you think you’d be good at for this job. Unlike an essay, make sure to keep these sentences short and sweet. Also, you should not include first-person pronouns such as “Me” or “I” for these sections. Please view the template for an example!

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4) The “Skills” section is where you get to showcase what makes YOU special and what makes employers want to hire you.
Skills such as conducting experiments, knowing computer programs such as Microsoft Office, or knowing more than one language are all skills that any employer would want. Be sure to include skills that are specifically required/preferred in the job posting that you are applying for. If you are applying to be an office assistant and they ask for computer knowledge, make sure to include all of the computer programs you know.
Here’s a really helpful tip: In the description of the job you’re applying for, employers usually list the skills and characteristics they want their applicants to have. Be sure to include the same or similar keywords for the skills that you can relate to so that the employer knows that you are perfect for the role!
As you can see below, I included my laboratory and computer skills since I was applying for a laboratory research position.

5) The “Education” section is where you list the school you go to, what grade you are in, and your major/minor (if you are in college).
This will give employers a better idea as to how qualified you are, since some jobs might be specifically meant for freshmen while others might be seeking older students. If you also have a great GPA, include that here too (if you don’t, then it’s okay to leave it out!)

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6) As students, we most likely don’t have a lot of professional or internship experience in our field, and that’s okay! This is where the “Relevant Coursework” section comes in.
Even though you might be lacking in professional experience, taking relevant classes to the position you’re applying for will help bridge the gap and show the employer that you have the skills and interests needed to excel in this job. For example, if you are applying for a lab position, definitely add all the lab classes you’ve taken to show that you have experience conducting lab experiments.

7) The “Professional Experience/Volunteer Experience” section is where you would include all of your relevant professional and volunteer experience.
If you don’t have a lot of professional experience or none at all, that’s okay! In that case, you should add a section or rename this section to “Volunteer Experience” and discuss your extracurricular activities (especially if you hold leadership positions in them!). Most employers won’t expect high school students or even college freshmen/sophomores to have a ton of experience, so they’ll be understanding.
When discussing your duties for each role you had, make sure to keep them concise and action-oriented. If you created an iPhone app, for example, instead of saying “I created an app using a programming language” (which sounds boring and uneventful), you should say “Used several programming languages to deploy an app and got over 2,000+ downloads on the App store”. This will communicate to the employer that you not only performed your task, but the work you did was successful and helped you/your company grow.
Here are some general tips to keep in mind for this section:
- Start each sentence with an action word/verb.
- If you no longer work in that position, use past tense to describe what you did. If you are currently in the position, use present tense.
- Add your experience in chronological order.

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8) Lastly, the “Activities/Interests” section is where you can describe some of your hobbies or some things you are passionate about that don’t involve the job you are applying for.
Although it might seem pointless to include this in a resume, including some basic information about yourself and what makes you happy will communicate to the employer that you are a well-rounded candidate who has a lot of depth and personality. This is where you would include things such as your hobbies, things that you might want to learn in the future, or even a few awards you might have received (if applicable). However, be sure to be careful about space and don’t go too much into detail; if you find yourself not having enough space to fit in this section, don’t worry! It’s completely optional.

Conclusion on How to Make a Resume With No Professional Experience:
I hope that this post was helpful! If you ever have any questions or want me to review your resume, feel free to email me at Best of luck with job hunting!
blaze ann

Trust me. This free resume template will make you stand out from other applicants and help you land the job! Click the button below to download this resume along with all of my other free printables